The brief was to select a content heavy subject of interest, accumulate three categories of information, and present such in three creative infographic posters. The selected subject was the Walt Disney Company, an American multinational diversified mass media corporation, and the largest media conglomerate in the world. The subject was categorised into Disney History, Disney Cinema, and Disney Parks.

The colours used for these infographic posters were extracted from the Disney characters clothes. Blue was selected from Donald’s shirt, orange from Goofy’s shirt, and green from Goofy’s hat.

This infographic poster presents a circular timeline of all Disney films, in the centre of which, is a world map, depicting the set locations of each Disney film.

This infographic poster presents a semi-circular timeline of the life of Walt Disney. Bubbles of information about his family life and tremendous career rise above the dates.

This infographic poster presents a world map marked with the locations of each Disney theme park. Various other park details are given, such as land size, opening year, and attendance to date.