I attacked the need to brand myself as a graphic designer with an intention of simplicity reflecting visual elegance. Using the initials of my name, I designed a personal logo of three circles aligned evenly and symetrically within a larger circle. The addition of two stem lines allowed the logo to read POB.

The application of my personal logo in the form of a business card was achieved minimally, with no need for unnecessary decoration. A font reflective of my personal brand was selected to be used throughout all applications of my brand, and my business cards and university portfolio were designed.
My university portfolio includes several briefs completed throughout my three years of study at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. A lot of time and hard work went into both these briefs and this portfolio, so please take a moment, have a look at the past three years of my life, and enjoy.
Below is a digital online presentation of my university portfolio, printed and made available online through blurb printing services. Feel free to enlarge my portfolio below and browse through the many briefs of my university experience.