The brief was to design a zine, or independently published magazine based around a subject of interest. The subject for this zine was decided after viewing a TED talks by Daniel Libeskind. Illustration Inspiration is a zine based around Daniel Libeskind’s seventeen words of architectural inspiration, as well as their antonyms for creative contrast. The zine in entirely illustrative, produced originally in pencil, then completed in black ink.

Daniel Libeskind’s Seventeen Words of Architectural Inspiration - and their antonyms.
Optimism / Pessimism Expressive / Neutral Radical / Conservative
Emotional / Cool Inexplicable / Understood Hand / Computer
Complex / Simple Political / Evasive Real / Stimulated
Unexpected / Habitual Raw / Refined Pointed / Blunt
Memorable / Forgettable Communicative / Mute Risky / Safe
Space / Fashion Democratic / Authoritarian

The cover illustration is printed on a sheet of architectural butter paper, or tracing paper, referring to the original context in which Daniel Libeskind created the words of illustration.
Illustrative Inspiration is an A5 zine, with individual double sided prints, held together as a booklet with a single yellow paper clamp.
With the ability to easily take the zine apart, users may select their favourite words of inspiration, and use them as a form of tessellated paper poster, left.